Complex Services/Purchasing RFPs
complex services/purchasing rfps
The Procurement Code allows for best value procurement through the RFP process to obtain high technology acquisitions, complex services, and to contract with a group purchasing organization. This procurement method is a competitive negotiation and is used when criteria other than cost is considered in determining the best value for the State. To assist you in utilizing this process, we have developed procedures and examples in form of exhibits and attachments which can be found on the complex services/purchasing or professional service RFPs dropdowns.
general information
Below is general information related to complex services/purchasing RFPs.
What is the Office of State Procurement (OSP), Professional Contracts Procurement Support Team (PST)?
The Procurement Support Team is created in both statute and rule; R.S.39:1621 and LAC 34:V, Subchapter C. The PST serves as an advisory group to the Director of Professional Contracts for certain consulting services contracts. Its members include representatives from the Attorney General's office, the Legislative Fiscal Office, the state agency initiating the contract, and Professional Contracts.
When is PST review required?
Information Technology (IT) consulting services exceeding $225,000 require PST review of the RFP, the selection process, and the subsequent contract. Sole source and emergency IT consulting services contracts exceeding $225,000 also require PST review. All other consulting services anticipated to cost $225,000 or more will require PST review of the RFP, the selection process, and subsequent contract only if required by the director of Professional Contracts.
When does PST meet?
The PST meets every three weeks throughout the year. Professional Contracts reserves the right at any time to cancel and re-schedule in the event of conflict with members' schedules.
For RFP's and contracts requiring review by the PST, the agency should submit one copy of the completed RFP or unsigned final negotiated contract to Professional Contracts at least fourteen (14) calendar days before the next scheduled PST meeting. The documents must be submitted in electronic format via PROACT or email to DOA-PC HELP DESK. Please mark the documents clearly and include a cover memo advising Professional Contracts of the request for PST review. In the subject line of the email, state as follows: RFP title/ for PST review/ agency name.
The standard Information Technology/Data Processing consulting contract format has been approved for use by Professional Contracts and the Procurement Support Team (PST). Therefore, contracts on this format may be reviewed more quickly and with fewer rewrites. Revisions to this format should be redlined or highlighted when submitted for PST review and approval. Additionally, the PST budget form should be submitted. Click here for the PST budget form.
Professional Contracts will review the document and advise the agency of any changes to the RFP or contract which may be necessary. Professional Contracts will distribute a copy of the RFP or contract to each PST member at least seven (7) calendar days before the next PST. When submitting a contract for PST review, the final negotiated contract should be unsigned (this includes sole source or emergency contracts). Signatures would be obtained after review and revisions requested by the PST are made.
Sample documents and templates
The following are sample documents and templates prepared by the Office of State Procurement as a guide for using agencies who issue RFPs for complex services/purchasing contracts.
The Office of State Procurement, Professional Contracts must verify funding availability, at least for the first fiscal year of the contract prior to final approval. See the links below for instructions on how to prepare a form BA-22 and for a sample form which must be used by state agencies or you may contact your agency's budget office for additional information.
Below is a sample board resolution. When a contractor is a corporation, either for-profit or non-profit, a formal, dated board resolution must be secured and attached to the contract indicating that the signatory is a corporate representative and authorized to sign said contract. This resolution shall be no more than two (2) years old.
A meeting of the Board of Directors of (CORPORATION'S NAME) was held on (DATE), whereby a resolution was passed authorizing (NAME AND TITLE OF THE INDIVIDUAL AUTHORIZED TO SIGN ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION) by his signature, to enter into any and all contractual obligations on behalf of this corporation.
Secretary and/or Chairman
A performance evaluation for every personal, professional, consulting or social service contract shall be prepared by the using agency in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statutes Title 39:1569.1. The performance evaluation shall be retained by the using agency for all contracts approved under delegated authority. For all other contracts, the performance evaluation shall be submitted to the Office of State Procurement, Professional Contracts within sixty (60) days after the completion of performance and no contract may be entered into by any using agency with any contractor for which a delinquent final evaluation report remains outstanding.
Additionally, the using agency shall submit final evaluation reports for contracts greater than or equal to $250,000 to the Legislative Auditor.
Below is a sample of the type of performance evaluation to be prepared by the Agency and contains the minimum information required by law.
The following are sample letters prepared by Office of State Procurement (OSP), Professional Contracts as a guide for using agencies.
- Sample Letter of Justification for Late Contract Submittal
- Contracts should be submitted prior to their effective dates. No contract shall be approved which has been submitted 60 days after its effective date, unless written justification is provided by the using agency and approval is granted by the Director of OSP or his/her designee. This sample is the minimum requirement for the Office of State Procurement's consideration of a contract's late submittal. (LAC 34.V. 2521 (A))
- Sample Letter of Justification for Multi-Year Contract
- This sample document contains minimum language for justifying a contract that will extend beyond twelve months.
- Sample Letter of Justification for Late Contract Submittal